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Do my eyes deceive me, or are you an incoming transfer student at the University of California, Los Angeles? Congratulations on your arrival and acceptance to UCLA, and welcome to Southeast Asian Transfer Enrichment Day—the program of your dreams! We are so proud of you for reaching such an incredible milestone. We understand that your journey to your dream was difficult and full of obstacles and hardships, but you made it. After all your hard work, you are finally living your fantasy. This is everything you’ve ever hoped for. 


The transfer journey was difficult, but it is not over yet. Now you are faced with the task of transitioning to a four-year institution. We understand that this is a tough endeavor, but we are here to help you with the process! SEATED is an orientation program created to help prospective Southeast Asian transfer students navigate through their new home, here at UCLA. Our program was created by students for students, and we are the only school in the UC system to offer a program catered towards Southeast Asian transfer students. Wow, what a dream come true!

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